2020.3.4-6 The 36th International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, BC. Canada
2020.3.3 The 36th ISS Pre Symposium (Body, Seating and Frame Measurements from Assessment to Delivery), Vancouver, BC. Canada
2019.3.20-22 The 35th International Seating Symposium, Pittsburg, VA. USA
2019.3.19 The 35th ISS Pre Symposium (①Updating Seating and Mobility Practice for Older Adults、②Eat, Breathe and Move, Pittsburg, VA. USA
2019.3.19 The 35th ISS Pre Symposium (ISWP Training Tools and Hybrid Course Snapshot), Pittsburg, VA. USA
2018.3.7-9 The 34nd International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, BC. Canada
2018.3.5 The 34nd ISS Pre Symposium (Putting the Parts Together: Wheelchair Seating, Mobility, and Assistive Technology Enhance Quality of Life), Vancouver, BC. Canada
2017.3.2-4 The 33rd International Seating Symposium, Nashville, TN. USA
2017.3.1 The 33rd ISS Pre Symposium (①Dynamic Seating – Providing Movement and Why、②Power Assisted Technology: Evidenced Based Practice), Nashville, TN. USA
2016.3.2-4 The 32nd International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, BC. Canada
2016.3.1 The 32nd ISS Pre Symposium (Using Biomechanical Principles in the Management of Complex Postural Deviations in Sitting), Vancouver, BC. Canada
2015.2.26-28 The 31st International Seating Symposium, Nashville, TN. USA
2015.2.24,25 The 31st ISS Pre Symposium (①What`s Up? Not My Head、②Laying The Foundation: An Introduction to Seating & Mobility Assessments), Nashville, TN. USA
2014.5.19(-20) The 1st Asia-Pacific Region Seating Symposium (APRSS), Xi’an, China
第1回アジア太平洋地域シーティング・シンポジウム (中国 西安)
2014.3.5-7 The 30th International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, BC. Canada
2014.3.4 The 30th ISS Pre Symposium (①How Suppliers Can Get the Information They Need.、②I’m Not Straight,So Please Don’t Make Me!), Vancouver, BC. Canada
2013.3.7-9 The 29th International Seating Symposium, Nashville, TN. USA
2013.3.5 The 29th ISS Pre Symposium (Aging with a Disability), Nashville, TN. USA
2012.3.7-9 The 28th International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, BC. Canada
2012.3.6 The 28th ISS Pre Symposium (Controlling the Pelvis), Vancouver, BC. Canada
2011.3.3-5 The 27th International Seating Symposium, Nashville, TN. USA
2010.3.11-13 The 26th International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, BC. Canada
2010.3.10 The 26th ISS Pre Symposium (Mat Exam), Vancouver, BC. Canada
2010.3.8 2010 Bodypoint Sales Meeting (Product and Seating Training), Seattle, WA. USA
2009.3.12-14 The 25th International Seating Symposium, Orlando, FL. USA
2009.3.11 The 25th ISS Pre Symposium (Advanced Pediatric), Orlando, FL. USA
2005.10.18-20 Medtrade 2005 Educational Sessions, Atlanta, GA, USA
2005.1.20-22 The 21st International Seating Symposium, Orlando, FL. USA
2004.10.26-28 Medtrade 2004 Educational Sessions, Orlando, FL, USA
2004.9.22-24 Canadian Seating & Mobility Conference 2004, Toronto, Canada
2004.7.29 Bodypoint Designs社 研修, Seattle, USA
2004.7.27-28 TiLite社 研修, Kennewick, USA
2003.10.9-11 Medtrade 2003 Educational Sessions, Atlanta, GA. USA
2003.3.3-3.4 Altimate Medical社 EasyStand スタンディング研修, Morton, MN. USA
2003.2.26-3.1 The 19th International Seating Symposium, Orlando, FL. USA
2002.10.29-31 Medtrade 2002 Educational Sessions, Atlanta GA. USA
2002.10.26-27 Adaptive Scuba Diving Instructor Training, Las Vegas, NV. USA
2002.10.24-25 DEMA The Fall Show, Las Vegas, NV. USA
2002.8.8-12 Cody’s Great Scuba Adventure (米国身障者ダイビング・イベント), Grand Cayman, GB
2002.7.2 Craig Hospital 視察, Denver, CO. USA
2002.7.1-2 Sunrise Medical社 電動車椅子特殊コントロール研修, Longmont, CO. USA
2002.6.25-28 Assistive Technology: Summer Institute 2002, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. USA
2002.3.11-12 Sunrise Medical Mobility Product Division研修, Fresno, CA. USA
2002.3.5-9 The 18th International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, Canada
2001.10.2-5 REHAcare International 2001,Dusseldolf, Germany
2001.5.14 Xsensor 研修,Cargary, Canada
2001.5.10 Good Samaritan Children’s Therapy Unit 視察, Seattle, USA
2001.5.9-11 Bodypoint Designs社 研修, Seattle, USA
2001.2.22-24 The 17th International Seating Symposium, Orlando USA
2000.10.3-5 Medtrade 2000 Educational Seminars, Orlando USA
2000.6.27-7.3 RESNAカンファレンス, Orlando USA
2000.4.15 The Helping Hand Company研修, Ludbury UK

2000.4.11-14 John & Liz Goldsmith氏による24時間姿勢管理についての講習, Hopwas UK

2000.4.10 Sunrise Medical Ltd.研修, West Midlands UK

2000.4.6 Swiss Paraplegic Center視察, Nottwil Swiss

2000.4.4-5 LEVO AG社研修, Wohlen Swiss

2000.3.21-26 CSUNカンファレンス, Los Angels USA
2000.2.28-29 Sunrise Medical社研修, Longmont USA
2000.2.23-26 The 16th International Seating Symposium, Vancouver Canada
99.11.3-6 Medtrade ’99 Educational Seminars (Seating他), New Orleans USA
99.9.21-25 Canadian Seating & Mobility Conference 1999
99.9.20 Bodypoint Designs社研修
99.3.4-6 The 15th International Seating Symposium, Orlando USA
98.11.4-6 Medtrade ’98 Educational Seminars (Seating他), Atlanta USA
96.8.15-25 Atlanta Paralympic取材, Atlanta USA
96.8.12-16 Atlanta Paralympic Congress, Atlanta USA