2020.3.4-6 | The 36th International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, BC. Canada | |
2020.3.3 | The 36th ISS Pre Symposium (Body, Seating and Frame Measurements from Assessment to Delivery), Vancouver, BC. Canada | |
2019.3.20-22 | The 35th International Seating Symposium, Pittsburg, VA. USA | |
2019.3.19 | The 35th ISS Pre Symposium (①Updating Seating and Mobility Practice for Older Adults、②Eat, Breathe and Move, Pittsburg, VA. USA | |
2019.3.19 | The 35th ISS Pre Symposium (ISWP Training Tools and Hybrid Course Snapshot), Pittsburg, VA. USA | |
2018.3.7-9 | The 34nd International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, BC. Canada | |
2018.3.5 | The 34nd ISS Pre Symposium (Putting the Parts Together: Wheelchair Seating, Mobility, and Assistive Technology Enhance Quality of Life), Vancouver, BC. Canada | |
2017.3.2-4 | The 33rd International Seating Symposium, Nashville, TN. USA | |
2017.3.1 | The 33rd ISS Pre Symposium (①Dynamic Seating – Providing Movement and Why、②Power Assisted Technology: Evidenced Based Practice), Nashville, TN. USA | |
2016.3.2-4 | The 32nd International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, BC. Canada | |
2016.3.1 | The 32nd ISS Pre Symposium (Using Biomechanical Principles in the Management of Complex Postural Deviations in Sitting), Vancouver, BC. Canada | |
2015.2.26-28 | The 31st International Seating Symposium, Nashville, TN. USA | |
2015.2.24,25 | The 31st ISS Pre Symposium (①What`s Up? Not My Head、②Laying The Foundation: An Introduction to Seating & Mobility Assessments), Nashville, TN. USA | |
2014.5.19(-20) | The 1st Asia-Pacific Region Seating Symposium (APRSS), Xi’an, China 第1回アジア太平洋地域シーティング・シンポジウム (中国 西安) |
2014.3.5-7 | The 30th International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, BC. Canada | |
※2014年のISS(国際シーティング・シンポジウム)についてのレポートはこちら。 | ||
2014.3.4 | The 30th ISS Pre Symposium (①How Suppliers Can Get the Information They Need.、②I’m Not Straight,So Please Don’t Make Me!), Vancouver, BC. Canada | |
※2014年のISS(国際シーティング・シンポジウム)プレ・シンポジウムについてのレポートはこちら。 | ||
2013.3.7-9 | The 29th International Seating Symposium, Nashville, TN. USA | |
※2013年のISS(国際シーティング・シンポジウム)についてのレポートはこちら。 | ||
2013.3.5 | The 29th ISS Pre Symposium (Aging with a Disability), Nashville, TN. USA | |
※2013年のISS(国際シーティング・シンポジウム)プレ・シンポジウムについてのレポートはこちら。 | ||
2012.3.7-9 | The 28th International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, BC. Canada | |
※2012年のISS(国際シーティング・シンポジウム)についてのレポートはこちら。 | ||
2012.3.6 | The 28th ISS Pre Symposium (Controlling the Pelvis), Vancouver, BC. Canada | |
※2012年のISS(国際シーティング・シンポジウム)プレ・シンポジウムについてのレポートはこちら。 | ||
2011.3.3-5 | The 27th International Seating Symposium, Nashville, TN. USA | |
※2011年のISS(国際シーティング・シンポジウム)についてのレポートはこちら。 | ||
2010.3.11-13 | The 26th International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, BC. Canada | |
2010.3.10 | The 26th ISS Pre Symposium (Mat Exam), Vancouver, BC. Canada | |
2010.3.8 | 2010 Bodypoint Sales Meeting (Product and Seating Training), Seattle, WA. USA | |
2009.3.12-14 | The 25th International Seating Symposium, Orlando, FL. USA | |
2009.3.11 | The 25th ISS Pre Symposium (Advanced Pediatric), Orlando, FL. USA | |
※2009年のISS(国際シーティング・シンポジウム)についてのレポートはこちら。 | ||
2005.10.18-20 | Medtrade 2005 Educational Sessions, Atlanta, GA, USA | |
2005.1.20-22 | The 21st International Seating Symposium, Orlando, FL. USA | |
2004.10.26-28 | Medtrade 2004 Educational Sessions, Orlando, FL, USA | |
2004.9.22-24 | Canadian Seating & Mobility Conference 2004, Toronto, Canada | |
2004.7.29 | Bodypoint Designs社 研修, Seattle, USA | |
2004.7.27-28 | TiLite社 研修, Kennewick, USA | |
2003.10.9-11 | Medtrade 2003 Educational Sessions, Atlanta, GA. USA | |
2003.3.3-3.4 | Altimate Medical社 EasyStand スタンディング研修, Morton, MN. USA | |
2003.2.26-3.1 | The 19th International Seating Symposium, Orlando, FL. USA | |
2002.10.29-31 | Medtrade 2002 Educational Sessions, Atlanta GA. USA | |
2002.10.26-27 | Adaptive Scuba Diving Instructor Training, Las Vegas, NV. USA | |
2002.10.24-25 | DEMA The Fall Show, Las Vegas, NV. USA | |
2002.8.8-12 | Cody’s Great Scuba Adventure (米国身障者ダイビング・イベント), Grand Cayman, GB | |
2002.7.2 | Craig Hospital 視察, Denver, CO. USA | |
2002.7.1-2 | Sunrise Medical社 電動車椅子特殊コントロール研修, Longmont, CO. USA | |
2002.6.25-28 | Assistive Technology: Summer Institute 2002, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. USA | |
2002.3.11-12 | Sunrise Medical Mobility Product Division研修, Fresno, CA. USA | |
2002.3.5-9 | The 18th International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, Canada | |
2001.10.2-5 | REHAcare International 2001,Dusseldolf, Germany | |
2001.5.14 | Xsensor 研修,Cargary, Canada | |
2001.5.10 | Good Samaritan Children’s Therapy Unit 視察, Seattle, USA | |
2001.5.9-11 | Bodypoint Designs社 研修, Seattle, USA | |
2001.2.22-24 | The 17th International Seating Symposium, Orlando USA | |
2000.10.3-5 | Medtrade 2000 Educational Seminars, Orlando USA | |
2000.6.27-7.3 | RESNAカンファレンス, Orlando USA | |
2000.4.15 | The Helping Hand Company研修, Ludbury UK | |
2000.4.11-14 | John & Liz Goldsmith氏による24時間姿勢管理についての講習, Hopwas UK | |
2000.4.10 | Sunrise Medical Ltd.研修, West Midlands UK | |
2000.4.6 | Swiss Paraplegic Center視察, Nottwil Swiss | |
2000.4.4-5 | LEVO AG社研修, Wohlen Swiss | |
2000.3.21-26 | CSUNカンファレンス, Los Angels USA | |
2000.2.28-29 | Sunrise Medical社研修, Longmont USA | |
2000.2.23-26 | The 16th International Seating Symposium, Vancouver Canada | |
99.11.3-6 | Medtrade ’99 Educational Seminars (Seating他), New Orleans USA | |
99.9.21-25 | Canadian Seating & Mobility Conference 1999 | |
99.9.20 | Bodypoint Designs社研修 | |
99.3.4-6 | The 15th International Seating Symposium, Orlando USA | |
98.11.4-6 | Medtrade ’98 Educational Seminars (Seating他), Atlanta USA | |
96.8.15-25 | Atlanta Paralympic取材, Atlanta USA | |
96.8.12-16 | Atlanta Paralympic Congress, Atlanta USA |